So let’s move on, here we tell you how to organize and throw an Epic Bachelor Party THE RIGHT WAY!
The bells will soon ring because the time has come, your BFF is ready for his final getaway and you and the rest of the crew have to arrange it all.
Keep Calm and continue reading!

Probably, you have never thrown a legendary bachelor party before, so here is the inspiration you need. We have been throwing bachelor parties in Medellín and Cartagena Colombia for more than 8 years as a Bachelor Party Agency, so there are a lot of tips and ideas we can share with you.

Unlike other events, this totally fun and pleasure-focused event is not a thing of just one night. Which means, you need to get really creative with where you decide to spend all of the days you are considering to party, and most importantly, how you plan on spending that time with your crew.
As Bachelor Parties Experts (link home) when it comes to sorting out our guests’ travel, lodging, and team activities, we’re sure to get the lowdown before making final arrangements. After all, several best men and his friends have provided us with some seriously valuable insights that we want to share with you!
So let’s get focused guys, here is the list:
So let’s get focused guys, here is the list with our 15 tips:

1. Decisions are key.

Start discussions early and meet base often. This is the best way to put the crew together in time to throw an epic bachelor party flawlessly.

2. Schedule the date, and fulfill it like there's no tomorrow.

It is 100% essential that you select a firm date for the party weekend. Be sure to look into upcoming holidays, people’s work schedules, and if you’re going to an event, you better be sure it works within your time frame.

3. Convey about the duration of the bachelor party.

Duration is something you will want to convey to your crew as early as possible. Although it will add cost, make sure you have time enough to really make the most for this bachelor party.

When the D-Day finally occurs!

4. Decide if the dogs are going out?

Are you going to be calm, extreme or insanely wild? Once you have balanced out people’s schedules, it’s time to determine what is gonna be your best and main activities. This is a big question that needs to be answered because it determines all the activities selection.

5. Choose where you want to travel or if you are going to stay around town.

Wanna stay around town? Most future grooms will have a preference on where to celebrate, and chances are he has had a chance to feel out the situation. If plans suggest that staying in town is the way to go; then you had better be sure you’re not cruising through your old stomping grounds. No one needs a run-in with an ex.

6. Further away is better.

Let’s be honest, going a little further away (2 to 3 hours of flight) to one the best destination nowadays for bachelor parties is definitely a wiser choice for this last chance. We are talking about Colombia for example, the mecca of adult fun right now, just check this Medellín Bachelor Party or the Cartagena Bachelor Party experience and share with the rest of the squad.

7. How big is your crew?

7. Look, size does matter…when you’re throwing a party. It’s important to do a bit of digging to determine what places are good for groups like yours.

8. Get rewarded for having a group

There are some ways to find some cost savings based on the size of your group, as opposed to paying individually upon arrival.

9. Book the accommodations where you are going to stay in advance.

That way you don’t show up, only to find out there’s no chance you’re getting everyone to participate in the same place.

10. Book early your adventure tours and VIP packages.

So when you finally arrive everybody is ready to attend you and no one is running to give you some space.

11. Show me the money!

What’s the group’s budget? Figure this out right away. If not, you risk losing a member of the pack, due to the fact that things are getting way beyond their (financial) means. Don’t worry, 1 or 2 will back out for this reason, regardless of the cost, but they were probably on the fence anyways.

12. Let's do things we haven't done before!

Even in your neck of the woods, there’s something to do that you haven’t done before. It’s good to get out of your comfort zones and find something new to experience. Look for adventure tours like this for example (text link) near to you or in the city where you are planning to throw the bach.

13. Throw something big or small but Unforgettable.

Regardless of the debauchery, a bachelor party is a bonding experience. Get the guys together and do something that doesn’t only include raging at the club. Something you’ll never stop talking about it.

14. To make it memorable you have to get creative.

You have to find a way to make it memorable. Really you don’t want to end doing the same stuff your crew is used to. Choose not to, and it will get swept under the rug of old crusty memories of yesterday. Get inspiration and cool ideas here

15. Give a final check to the Groom bucket list.

Can you check off something you wouldn’t have suspected? Make it happen, if you can.
So finally, if you decide to go big and absolutely epic, talk to us to help you plan a Perfect Colombia, check our Tours and our partner’s tours for a Bachelor Party in Medellín and in Cartagena.
If you found helpful this list of 15 tips and ideas to throw a bachelor party flawlessly, or even if not, share below what are your thoughts, how went your bachelor party or what would you like us to include to the list (we and thousands of bachelors will thank you!).
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